Shay McKeown

  1. What did you do in The Rest?  Drummer

  2. Top 3 singles :
    1) He's in Town - The Rockin' Berries
    2) Do You Believe In Magic? - The Loving Spoonful
    3) Since I Lost My Baby - The Action

  3. Top 3 LPs :
    1) White Album - The Beatles
    2) My Generation - The Who
    3) Tamla Hits - Various Motown Artists

  4. Top 3 groups :
    1) The Beatles
    2) The Who
    3) The Action

  5. Top 3 singers (female) :
    1) Dusty Springfield
    2) Tina Turner
    3) Aretha Franklin

  6. Top 3 singers (male) :
    1) John Lennon
    2) Elvis Presley
    3) Chris Farlowe

  7. Fave Sixties TV show : Ready Steady Go!
    Fave Sixties radio station : Radio Caroline
    Best Sixties show you saw : NME Poll Winners Concert, Wembley.
    Best live show with The Rest : Cavalier Rooms, Golders Green.
    3 words to sum up the Sixties : Superb.  Fun.  Sexual.